

Consultancy and problem solving in the  field of general dynamical systems

Development of problem adapted  simulation software

Education and training courses for industry,  universities and schools on engineering and  scientific problems


Consultancy and problem solving in the  field of general dynamical systems


Topics of finished projects

  • NVH - calculations on disc brakes
  • General dynamic friction models
  • Description and measurement of emission
  • low and high frequency drill string vibrations
  • Drill bit and drill progress models
  • HIL-capable simulation models of drill string and borehole interaction

Stability of fluid-filled large centrifuges

  • Wheel-Rail-contact
  • Bogie Dynamic
  • NVH - calculations on lightweight brakes
  • Single and multiple interacting driver models

Development of problem adapted  simulation software



We offer customized software development  for research and development as well as  illustration and animation software for  advertising and sales

We build problem-adapted twins with  Python, C++ and C#

We use the latest techniques from data science and intelligent data analysis and AI as well as real-time simulations with HIL/SIL methods for complex systems, if possible or necessary


Education and training courses for industry,  universities and schools on engineering and  scientific problems


Subject areas

Individual lectures, lecture series, courses, intensive courses, practice tutorials depending on the scope of the desired topics.

The format is usually a pre-recorded video of the pure lecture, which the customer can watch as many times as he wants. At the customer's request, physical or virtual consultation sessions are held for questions and further practice.

We offer customized formats for any individual topics and complex issues in this field, with depth and scope realized according to the customer's wishes.

Examples for individual topics: Fourier analysis, waterfall diagrams, modal and operational vibration analysis, .... or more complex topics as linear and nonlinear vibrations, chaotic vibrations.

Statistical methods, interpolation, extrapolation, numerical model recognition.

Introductory courses in these languages, OOP techniques, databases, ...

But also introduction to programming along specific customer problems


Your contact persons


Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Ketterl-Ostermeyer,  CEO SiDyS GmbH

Mathematics, Physics,  Computer Science

10 years of experience in research  management

25 years of teaching experience at  university, college and high school

1987 Diploma in Mathematics (minor in Physics) at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin)
1991 Doctoral degree Dr. rer. nat. (TU Berlin)
2003 MA (Master of Arts) in School Pedagogy and Didactics, Georg-August- University Göttingen
1980 - 1987
Studies of Mathematics and Physics at the Technical University of Berlin
2002 - 2003 
Intensive studies "School Pedagogy and Didactics" at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
1977 - 1980
Technical employee at BASF SE (formerly BASF AG), Ludwigshafen/ Rhine
1987 - 1993
Research assistant in the Department of Mathematics at the TU Berlin
1991 - 1993
Vice Chairwoman of the Central Commission for Research and Young Academics at the TU Berlin
1992 Collaboration in the Interdisciplinary Research Project "Fluid Machinery", subproject Numerical Methods, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the TU Berlin
1993 - 2001 Research Planner at the TU Berlin, President's Staff Office
2002 Lecturer for „Mathematics for Engineers“ at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover
Teaching mathematics and physics at Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Gifhorn
2012 - 2021 Teaching mathematics, physics and computer science at Philipp Melanchthon Gymnasium Meine
2015 - 2021 Extended school management Gymnasium Meine (functional position StD')
Seit 2021 CEO of the company SiDyS GmbH

1992 Postdoc at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg-Peter Ostermeyer,  Head of Research at SiDyS GmbH

Mathematics, Physics,  Mechanical Engineering

35 years of experience in industry and  university

Member of numerous international  conference organisations and research  communities

1978 Diploma in Mathematics (TU Berlin)
1979 First state examination for the teaching profession at grammar schools in physics and mathematics (TU Braunschweig)
1984 Doctoral degree Dr.-Ing. (TU Braunschweig)
1989 Habilitation, venia legendi for "Mechanics“ (TU Braunschweig)
1971 - 1979 Studies of Mathematics, Physics, Pedagogy and Philosophy at the TU Berlin and at the TU Braunschweig
1979 - 1984 Research assistant at the Chair A for Mechanics, Dept. Theoretical Mechanics, TU Braunschweig, with Prof. Dr. Baumgarte
1984 - 1988 Research assistant at the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, TU Braunschweig, with Prof. Dr. Brommundt
1988 - 1989 System analyst in information technology at Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
1989 - 1990 Specialist in vehicle technology at the Volkswagen AG Group Research Department, Wolfsburg
1989 - 1992 Lecturer at the TU Braunschweig
1990 - 1992 Head of the "Stress Analysis" sub-department in Vehicle Technology at Volkswagen AG Group Research, Wolfsburg
1991 - 1992 Project manager "Simulation system of the German automotive industry“, participating companies: AUDI, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche and VW
1992 - 2000 C4 Professorship for mechanics, esp. interface and friction physics at the Institute of Mechanics at the TU Berlin
2000 - 2022 C4 Professorship for Dynamics and Vibrations at the Institute for Dynamics and Vibrations at the TU Braunschweig
Seit 2022 CRO of the company SiDyS GmbH

1998 - 2001 Speaker of the SFB 605, "Elementary Friction Processes" at the TU Berlin
2005 - 2021Organizer of the German-Polish Workshop on Dynamical Problems in mechanical systems
seit 2011 Founding member and member of the Steering Committee of the International Forum on Sliding Friction and Vibrations
seit 2011Founding member and member of the Steering Committee of the eurobrake Conference
seit 2013Member of the Advisory Board of the SAE – Brake Colloquium
2014 - 2022Member of the Steering Committee Celle Drilling Conference
2016 - 2021Member of the board of the Drilling Simulator Celle.
2017 - 2021Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the TU Braunschweig
seit 2019Member of the Advisory Board of the Asia Brake Conference
seit 2022Member of the Supervisory Board of iTUBS GmbH
  • Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
  • Society for Tribology (GfT)
  • Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE)
  • Society for Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • Academy for Geosciences and Geotechnologies
1997 „Champion in teaching“, TU Berlin
2009 Allan M. Lang Award, SAE International
2010 Allan M. Lang Award, SAE International
2011 Lloyd L. Withrow Award, SAE International
2013 Allan M. Lang Award, SAE International
2015 Dan Mahanna Achievement Award, International Brake Industry
2008 University of Linz, Vorlesung: Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
2009 University of Linz, Vorlesung: Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
2010 University of Krementchuk, Ukraine, Vorlesung: Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

Over 250 publications and books (Google Scholar: Georg Ostermeyer)